Christiaan Swart

Christiaan Swart

CIO & Co-Founder at Comtura

Weak supervision a force multiplier in dataset creation

October 5, 2022 (9:00-13:00 CET)


Weak supervision helps reduce your annotation costs by programmatically labelling unlabelled data. I will talk about Comtura’s experiences with 2 open source weak supervision libraries Snorkel and Weasel. At Comtura, I work on modelling the sales process to predict relevant information from sales conversations and understand deals better.

I will walk you through our journey of going from manual annotation to weak supervision and how it has helped improve our annotation efficiency.

Manual annotation usually only annotates a single document while with weak supervision labelling function to generate a weak label can label 2-3% of your samples potentially widening the reach of your efforts. Your coverage and confidence in your labelling functions can increase at a much faster pace than with traditional manual annotation. Labelling functions can also allow you to encapsulate domain experts.

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