We are sharing some important information to help you prepare. Stay tuned for updates during the conference! Can’t find what you’re looking for? Feel free to contact us at [email protected], on social media, slack or just wave at us 👋
- Join our Slack channel
- Side events: meetups, workshops, party
- Conference (Oct 17-18)
- Transport to and from the venue
- Registration
- Got something to share?
Join our Slack channel
Come and socialize with other attendees, speakers and the organizers. Join our Slack channel and don't forget to download the Slack mobile app!
Side events
Workshops (October 16)
At different locations, not at the conference venue! Workshop ticket holders received a separate email about the workshop venues and schedules. Breakfast and lunch are provided.
Free meetups (October 16)
Data Science Meetup - Crunch Edition
UX Budapest Meetup - Amuse Edition
UX and Data networking party and dinner (October 17, 18:30, Anker't)
Let's celebrate the 5th Crunch Together!
Take your conference badge to get free drinks and food on EPAM!
Bring your friends and get them to sign up if they’re not conference attendees.
Direct buses from the conference venue will be available, check the timetable below at Transport.
Free onsite workshop (October 17, 13:30)
Artificial Intelligence in Azure
Time and place: Thursday, 13:30-15:30 - Conference venue, Workshop area (3rd floor, after the cloakroom)
During this workshop, you will understand the basic terminology and the foundations of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, and then you will see how Microsoft and Azure can help build such solutions.
Conference (October 17-18)
Magyar Vasúttörténeti Park / Hungarian Railway Museum
1142 Budapest, Tatai út 95. (Google Maps)
Wondering what talks are now live and on which stage? Check the schedule!
You can find the map of the venue below, feel free to save the PDF!

Day 1 // Breakfast, artisan coffee, lunch are provided
Networking party with free drinks and dinner powered by EPAM at Anker’t from 6.30pm
Day 2 // Breakfast, artisan coffee and lunch are provided
Check out the detailed menu. In case you can't find the meal for your diet, find us on site and we'll try our best to help you.
SSID: GoGreen
Password: RefillYourCup
Transport to and from the venue
🚂 Coming by train?
Look for the Crunch beach flags to find the train. You can buy train tickets at Nyugati Railway Station from the yellow ticket booths or online from Elvira. If you already have a BKK pass (public transportation pass), you don’t need a separate ticket for the public train (only passes though, since BKK tickets are not valid on the trains!).
Public trains departing to Esztergom (train number G72 and Z72) will be stopped at our venue ("Vasútmúzeum" station). The journey takes about 9 minutes, see the departure times below.
🚌 Hopping on the free conference bus?
Leaving the conference in the evening? Come to the parking lot for a free bus ride. The journey takes about 15 minutes from the venue to Gyöngyösi utca (M3 underground station), see the departure times below.
🚗 Driving here on your own?
No worries, parking is free in the museum's parking lot. If the parking lot is full, you can park on the odd numbered part of Tatai út, learn more about the parking zones here.
🚕 Want to take a taxi instead?
Call 6x6 Taxi at +36 1 666 66 66 or find them at the front gate marked on the map on evenings.
You can find the timetable of the train and bus below, feel free to download the picture

Registration is open on Thursday from 8:30am at the conference venue. Arriving later? Don’t worry, you can check in at the infopoint after the official registration hours.
Print your QR-code ticket or show it on your phone at the check-in. Please have your ID/passport with you in case we need to look you up in the system.
Make sure you receive your conference badge with your name that is mandatory for entering the premises on both days. The conference badge cannot be replaced - especially not on the second day of the event, and without it you cannot enter the conference. Please wear it on a visible spot at all times.
We'll provide cloakroom for free.
Got something to share?
Post and tweet about us with the hashtag #CrunchConf, you can find us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We will share the talks and slides after the conference on our Youtube channel, subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date!