Crunch 2023 - Lea Pica
Lea Pica
Data Storytelling Advocate + Trainer at Story-Driven Data
About Lea Pica

Lea Pica is a data analyst turned Data Storytelling Advocate and international keynote speaker who teaches how to present data and inspire action to thousands of data and marketing practitioners.

She is the author of the Present Beyond Measure (out Sept 26th), creator of the PICA Protocol data storytelling methodology, and hosts the "Present Beyond Measure Show" podcast.

Lights, Camera...No Action? 5 Hollywood Storytelling Secrets You Aren’t Using in your Data Presentations
Data Conference
Level: Beginner
In schedule:
Crunch Stage
October 5, 09:40 - 10:40 CET

What’s scarier than creepy, drooling zombies in a horror movie? Creepy, drooling zombies in your data presentation audience! For analytics and marketing practitioners everywhere, the struggle with presenting insights to bored, confused, and zombified stakeholders and clients is anything but fiction. At the heart of this struggle is a simple yet dastardly villain: not knowing the mechanics for...